Berlins erste geführte E-Bike Touren!

Das Original!


Prebook the tour 4 days please with minimum number of four participants.

Daily at 10.00 at our starting point at the Dorotheenstraße 30
Tour Distance is approx. 16 km (easy to cover with the E Bikes)
Tour Duration is approx. 3 hours
Price per Person is 39 euros

Bicycle helmets are not mandatory by Law, however, we have helmets available for those who wish to use one.


During this tour we will follow the course of the Berlin Wall, cross various former inner city borders and stop at the official Wall Memorial at Bernauerstrasse.

 Biking past the Mauerpark, famous for its Sunday flea market, we will take a detour into Strelitzerstrasse. This is a street where in 1964 about 57 east Germans dug a tunnel under the wall and fled into freedom. If the topic of underground escape routes during the Wall Era interests you, then we advise you to visit Tour M at the 'Berliner Unterwelten'. You will find a link to this tour when you click on our website credits.

 We will then continue to our next station which is the Wall Memorial at Bernauer Strasse, followed by the Border Crossing at the Chausseestrasse and the Veteran Cemetery.

 Arriving at the Government Area we will cross the Spree to the Brandenburg Gate where in 1987 Ronald Reagan gave his famous speech “Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”
Eventually at the end of our Wall Tour we will reach the most famous of the border crossings, Check Point Charlie. Prior to that we will halt at the reconstructed Potsdam Square.

 Our guides will give you information regarding the construction of the Berlin Wall and the Era of the Cold War. Did you know that during the Wall Era, the center of Berlin had so called “Ghost Stations”? What all of this means and where the first part of the wall opened on the 9th of November 1989 is something that you will see and discover on our tour.

For our tour we use historical photos from the Berlin Wall photographer Matthias Kupfernagel. He was able to receive authorization to document and photograph the whole Berlin Wall after the fall of the wall in 1989.